The Medinoxx sealed-cup system was developed with the aim of offering pharmacies both a high quality and flexible system. Both solid and liquid drugs can be cup-sealed in one tray, therefore offering your customers a full supply for the first time. Not only liquids, but also problematic drugs such as moisture-sensitive effervescent tablets or soft gelatine capsules that tend to stick can be cupsealed. Compared to conventional medication management systems, up to 90% of all required drugs can be packed.
The owner-managed pharmacy faces constant changes and new challenges in the market. The expanded range of online pharmacies or tube blister centres with their large catchment areas is changing the pharmaceutical landscape. Would you like to assert yourself in a dynamically growing healthcare market? With the innovative Medinoxx sealed-cup, we offer you a qualitative system with which you can organize your medication management perfectly and break new ground.
During the development of the Medinoxx Medication Management system, special attention was paid to pharmaceutical quality. For verifcation, we have aquired certifcation through many testing methodologies. In addition, all components of the sealed-cup system are manufactured in Germany and Austria using state-of-the-art production methods.
MoreDr. rer. nat. Michael Kunkel: For us, quality aspects are top priority in the management of medication for patients. The Medinoxx sealed-cup system works with tested and certifed materials and with a one-way distribution from the manufacturing pharmacy so to say directly to the patient. This avoids mix-ups as well as hygiene defcits by avoiding the labour-intensive but common reflling process. Care facilities that attach equal importance to high drug safety and economical medication management – without neglecting the sustainability concept – are approaching us with the desire for the Medinoxx Medication Management.
Katja Wiebecke-Nötzel: The home management and the nursing staff appreciate the quality of the work done by the pharmaceutical staff in our on-site pharmacy. The Medinoxx system offers the high quality requirements with stable, reusable trays and disposable cups that contribute to flexible solutions for medication changes due to their resealability. In addition, the dispensing of liquids is also possible without leakage. Compared to other medication management systems, this results in signifcant time savings for the nursing staff. Since we started with the predecessor model of Medinoxx in 2012, we have been able to continuously expand the use of our sealed-cup system for nursing home care and gain further facilities following the conversion to the current Medinoxx sealed-cup system.
Ute Höynck: We have been absolutely convinced users of the Medinoxx Medication Management system from the very beginning. Regarding patient-specific solid and liquid management, it already opens up revolutionary ways for a supply system that guarantees patient safety, hygiene and transparency for both solid and liquid drugs. An essential advantage for us lies in the variability and adaptability of the system to the needs of the nursing home or the end user. Similarly, the change of medication is simple and pragmatic, without risking a loss in quality.
Sealed-cups for both solid and liquid drugs
Fast and easy handling
Easy medication changes
Stability successfully tested
GMP-compliant production
Sustainable and environment-friendly
Possibility of automation
Opening up new market segments
Broad range of marketing and service offers
Consultative reference pharmacies